Saturday, July 6, 2024

Captured Moments - the art of Richard Harrington and Ilya Raskin

Captured Moments
Richard Harrington and Ilya Raskin
July 4 - August 4, 2024
Opening Reception: Saturday, July 6, 4-7 pm

Artist Richard Harrington and photographer Ilya Raskin are pleased to announce the opening of their joint show, "Captured Moments". The exhibit features the artist’s work inspired by trips throughout the United States and the world.

Harrington has been a member of Artists’ Gallery for more than 15 years, while Raskin is the newest member of Artists’ Gallery co-op. "Captured Moments" is the first exhibition at Artists’ Gallery to feature his work.

Both Harrington and Raskin are interested in capturing and documenting images of moments that may pass by quickly or go unnoticed by others; Harrington concentrates more on urban and transportation subjects, while Raskin’s work reflects his interest in nature and wildlife.

Harrington is well known for his automotive subjects, and also is an accomplished illustrator and cartoonist. He is a Professor of Illustration at Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia.

Raskin has published his photographs in over 70 articles in the most respected conservation, nature, and popular science magazines, including National Geographic publications.

Please visit the event website for additional information.

And don't forget - along with our featured exhibit, all 16 of our professional artists continuously have their work on exhibit - there is new work here every month. We welcome your visits!

Artists' Gallery, 18 Bridge Street, Lambertville, NJ - map & directions
Gallery hours: Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday 11 am - 6 pm