Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Surroundings - the art of Claudia Fouse Fountaine and Bill Jersey


Claudia Fouse Fountaine and Bill Jersey
August 8 - September 1, 2024
Opening Reception: Saturday, August 10, 5-7 pm 

This month, Artists' Gallery presents "Surroundings," featuring Bill Jersey and Claudia Fouse Fountaine. Their last exhibit together highlighted travels around the world and views of different countries; colorful as well as exotic. "Surroundings" brings the focus closer to home, to what we see around us every day. It turns out it can be as inspirational as anything else if we take the time to look carefully.

At the age of 97, Bill Jersey still explores life with what he calls a fresh eye. "If you think you've seen this before," he says, "you're not paying attention." A Country Road invites an encounter with a new world. The leafless tree suggests a life well lived. We are surrounded by rich memories. I choose to preserve them with paint and brush.

Claudia Fountaine is intrigued by the quirky and the mundane; a snowman in an icy backyard, with skeleton tree branches for arms. The shelves in a garage, overflowing with all manner of strange things. A dog relaxing on the patio in his bright blue e-collar. These are some of the "surroundings" Fountaine has chosen to depict.

"Surroundings" will be at Artists’ Gallery from August 8th through September 1st. The Opening is Saturday, August 10th from 5-7pm.

Please visit the event website for additional information.

And don't forget - along with our featured exhibit, all 16 of our professional artists continuously have their work on exhibit - there is new work here every month. We welcome your visits! 

Artists' Gallery, 18 Bridge Street, Lambertville, NJ - map & directions
Gallery hours: Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday 11 am - 6 pm

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