pen & ink
by Jennifer Cadoff
pen & ink
by Jennifer Cadoff
Florence Moonan has 2 portfolio pieces in the show:

"au Lapin Agile"
charcoal on mylar
by Florence Moonan
charcoal on mylar
by Florence Moonan

"le Jardin de Rodin"
charcoal on mylar
by Florence Moonan
charcoal on mylar
by Florence Moonan
The Phillips Mill Annual Juried Exhibition is the longest running and one of the most prestegious art events in the region. The show runs Sept 26 through Oct 31, 2009. The Mill is located at 2619 River Road (Rt 32) about 1 1/2 miles north of New Hope, Pa. and is open daily from 1 to 5 pm.
Congratulations to Jennifer and Florence! The pieces looks really great. Best wishes for the show.